
Important Considerations Before Installing a Rubber Roof on Your Home

Are you considering installing a rubber roof on your home? It’s an excellent choice! Rubber roofing is becoming increasingly popular as a durable and environmentally friendly option. However, before deciding to install this type of roof, there are some important factors that you should consider. This blog post’ll cover key things to know before your rubber roof install calgary. So let’s dive in and ensure you have all the information needed to decide to install a rubber roof on your home!


When considering installing a rubber roof on your home, it’s essential to consider the climate. Rubber roofing is highly durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions such as high winds, heavy rainfall, and even hailstorms. However, different types of rubber roofs may perform better in certain climates than others. For example, EPDM rubber roofing is an excellent choice for areas with extreme temperature fluctuations because it expands and contracts without cracking or splitting. On the other hand, TPO rubber roofing performs well in hotter climates due to its reflective properties that keep your home cooler during summer.


Installation Process

When installing a rubber roof on your home, several important factors must be considered. One of the most critical is the installation process itself. First and foremost, hiring a professional roofing contractor with experience working with rubber roofs is essential. While some homeowners may be tempted to tackle this project themselves, installing a rubber roof requires specialized knowledge and equipment. Before beginning the installation process, your contractor should thoroughly inspect your existing roof for any damage or defects that need to be repaired before installation. They’ll also need to ensure that your roofing deck is in good condition and can support the weight of the new material.


When considering installing a rubber roof, the cost is an important factor to consider. Rubber roofs are generally more affordable than roofing materials like metal or clay tiles. However, the exact cost can depend on several factors. The size of your roof will play a significant role in determining the installation cost. A larger roof will require more materials and labor, making it more expensive to install. Another factor that affects the overall cost of a rubber roof is its quality and thickness. Higher-quality materials are pricier but offer better durability and longevity than their cheaper counterparts. By considering these important considerations before installing a rubber roof on your home, you’ll be able to make an informed decision that will ensure long-lasting protection for your property while adding value and functionality at the same time.…


Homeowner’s Guide: 4 Methods of Bee Removal Without Killing Them

Bees are a vital part of the ecosystem, but they can be a nuisance when they build their hives in or around your home. If you have a bee problem, don’t panic! The bee removal Houston professionals will help you safely and effectively remove the bees from your property. Several bee removal methods don’t involve killing the bees. In this blog post, we will discuss 4 of the most common bee removal methods. We will also provide tips on preventing bees from building hives in your yard in the first place.


beesOne of the most common methods of bee removal is using smoke. Smoke will cause the bees to become disoriented and leave their hive. To use this method, you will need to purchase a bee smoker. Bee smokers can be found at most hardware stores or online. Once you have your bee smoker, light it and place it near the hive. The smoke will cause the bees to leave their hive, searching for fresh air. You can then remove the hive without harming the bees.

If you don’t want to purchase a bee smoker, you can also use a smoldering piece of wood or a cigarette. Place the smoldering object near the entrance to the hive and wait for the bees to leave.

Garlic Spray

Blend the garlic cloves and water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and apply it to areas where bees are congregating. The strong smell will deter them from returning. Garlic is a natural repellent and is harmless to bees. You can also plant garlic around the perimeter of your property to keep bees away.

Citronella Oil

Citronella oil is another natural repellent that you can use to keep bees away. Mix the oil with water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where bees are congregating. You can also purchase citronella candles and place them around your property. The strong smell will deter bees from entering your yard.



stingCinnamon is a spice that you can use to keep bees away. Mix the cinnamon with water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where bees are congregating. You can also sprinkle cinnamon around the perimeter of your property. The strong smell will deter bees from entering your yard. This method is also effective against wasps and ants. There you have it—four bee removal methods that don’t involve killing them.

You can remove the bees without harming them or using any harmful chemicals. Do you have a bee problem? Try one of these methods and see which one works best for you.…