mold infested house

Benefits of Professional Mold Testing

Does your house have excess moisture? Has there been a sewage backup or plumber leak? You could be having molds in the house since spores thrive in damp and warm areas. Some areas in the house are prone to growth. They include kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms, making mold infestation a concern to every home. Mold grows in areas that are invisible, for example, inside walls. Therefore, how will you know if you have mold in the house? The best way is to contact a professional mold testing company. Luckily, you can get free mold testing services using modern tools for both commercial and residential properties.

Here are some benefits of professional mold testing:

Prevents the Risks of Mold Exposure

Mold symptoms, especially black mold, can be dangerous and life-threatening. If someone in the hose is already sick from an autoimmune condition, you are at a higher risk of severe symptoms from mold exposure. Exposure symptoms can be mild, like skin rashes, common cold symptoms, and allergies. However, black mold symptoms might include severe respiratory infections, chronic headaches, fatigue, and asthma complications.

Improves the Air Quality

ensures clean airWhen mold in the house becomes airborne, the air quality in the home declines significantly. Mold symptoms and exposure happen when the spores are inhaled in the air and settle in nasal passages and lungs. A remediation expert can test the indoor air quality to find out signs of the spores. They are also able to perform extensive inspections for the possibility of mold growth in the home. If found, professional mold testing is done to establish if there is a risk of toxic exposure.

Reduces the Risk of Structural Damages

Mold growth happens in damp and warm areas. It means that they grow in places in the home that you cannot see immediately, like behind wallpapers or walls, behind plumbing fixtures, ceiling tiles, and underneath appliances. Mold growth and water damage can lead to problems in wooden structures, electrical wiring, and insulation. Through mold inspection and remediation, you can prevent or reduce structural damages.

Helps to Discover the Source of Molds

Although clearing mold is a good idea, in the long run, if the source is not established, it will still be a problem. The professional removal services go beyond cleaning the mold because they locate the source. First, industrial hygienist tests for the mold since they can explain the processes before mold remediation experts come in. They can distinguish between discoloration found in mold infestation and where mold might be hiding. After knowing the source, they help to determine the appropriate course of action to eliminate the problem.…